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Messages - tmofarns

Never Mind I Figured It Out! but whats the name of the original smilie pack ?
i was trying out some of the smilie packs and btw thnk you for all the options but the issue is it takes for ever to delte the ones you dont like anyway to prune them all but the basic pack you start with ? and if not then just prune them all ?
Introductions / Hey Hey Hey
June 04, 2008, 03:55:53 AM
umm i dont think i ever said hello to everyone on here so HELLO and if you are bored and are trying to find domething to do while you wait for admin to fix you page check out my site it is full of links to movies and what not Free Cinema :: Index hope to see you there!
phpBB Support Forum / Shoutbox activation
June 04, 2008, 03:51:32 AM
yeah what retrodan said i would love to have a shoutbox on our forum thank you

Free Cinema :: Index
phpBB Support Forum / Omg I Need Some Help Asap
May 14, 2008, 05:30:05 PM
my board is shot to sh*t i dont know what happened  its seems the new skin we installed does not work here so  please help!  im trying to promote my site and it does not work! please!!!!!!
hey mat how can we give phpbb3 a test spin to see if we like it???

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