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Topics - systemcat

phpBB Support Forum / Help Settings Keep Resetting!
October 05, 2010, 01:28:59 AM
This is a peal for help to the higher ups with access to my forum.

I'm rebooting my forum by giving it a new purpose, but in it's new areas, in it's new sub-forums it keeps resetting it's self to needing a password for guests to view them. Over and over, I can't seem to fix this! I want people not logged in to be able to browse the place.

Please help, this is the forum:

I think from over here there is already a person registered that can help, using the user named support.
phpBB Support Forum / Two Matters, Please Read
November 20, 2009, 03:14:39 PM
Recently I made a mini-forum on the board and while checking to make sure I put it up right I noticed an announcement I made a while back had it's spot plus the new board stated users could make posts in this outside section. A mistake? So I went into the Admin. panel to see if there was some thing I could do about it, nothing. I went into the oldest of the forums today and found the same error there too, only this with more than just the announcement thread listed. I should be thinking this is the work of another forum Admin. but I doupt it. mwhill77 rarely logs on and he tends not to make changes when he does log and ohboy would never do some thing aside from deleting spammers without asking me first. Can this issue be fixed?

Second, not on the front of the board but given it's own space. I remember reading these forums can gain games? If so, could we talk about how to install them, hopfully not up front on the board.
phpBB Support Forum / Hidding Sections
August 30, 2009, 03:07:07 PM
Forgive me if this has been asked before but can ...if you had a rather large forum and it had three main sections which are in best sense other forums. And people didn't like scrolling down to log in. Could it be made that only the title bars are seen? And only when you click on them do you see the contents of that clicked on section?
phpBB Support Forum / Can't PM
July 22, 2009, 01:44:32 PM
At first I thought this was happening on only the computer I was working with but another user, one of the Mods. is having the same issue. People can't send PMs in the forum and this issue has never come up before. Could it please be fixed? Here's where it's talked about. Buck Rogers in the 26th Century & Phoenix Virtual Television Community & Whovonia :: Gallifreyan Renegades • View topic - Logged In, Can't Talk

Only emails can be sent ...I have no idea where this bug is coming from.
phpBB Support Forum / Major Posting Error!!!!
April 03, 2009, 06:20:52 PM
For basically the whole of today I've been merging another forum into my own and transferring over the other's topics & posts.

Not even 1% of the way done a glitch pops up. I can't post!!!

When I hit submit it redirects me to's home page. The Admin.s on the other side of this and members know of the merger and are expecting it to be completed. Please please fix this posting issue as soon as possible.

Oh and the member named Griffy should have an Admin. status. His name doesn't show up in red as it should but it shows in his profile. Is that a glitch too?
phpBB Support Forum / Rank Image Issue
October 25, 2008, 11:17:23 AM
Little issue going on in my control panel I've asked for help in PMs over but I think I've been forgotten.

I need to make a new rank in my forum but all images associated with the forum aren't available. They only appear in editing for ranks already established.

Support PMed me in saying to search for images starting is S by pressing S on my keyboard. Yah, you can search but it doesn't show up for me. It showed up for Support where ever she or he checked. Could some one help me out here?

What Support found.

What is going on in my forum.

phpBB Support Forum / !Can not access forum!
August 29, 2008, 01:05:39 PM
I have no idea what is going on! For the past two days I haven't been able to access my forum or the support forum, heck even any thing linked with it! This is not a firewall issue or connection issue. I think my IP is for some reason being blocked off.

Please fix this issue! It's really hard to be a forum Admin. who can't access their own forum!

This has been systemcat of

This topic was made from a library computer.
phpBB Support Forum / !!!General Error!!!
July 11, 2008, 06:05:17 PM
This has been happening about every day for a week.
QuoteWarning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/free/public_html/mf_functions/global.php on line 1073

Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/free/public_html/mf_functions/global.php on line 1073

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/free/public_html/mf_functions/global.php on line 1105

Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/free/public_html/mf_functions/global.php on line 1073

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/free/public_html/mf_functions/global.php on line 1105

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/free/public_html/mf_functions/global.php on line 1105

Return to index page
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

User phpbbforums has already more than 'max_user_connections' active connections [1203]


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 95
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: common.php
LINE: 210
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_connect()

FILE: portal.php
LINE: 21
CALL: include('common.php')

FILE: home.php
LINE: 11
CALL: include('portal.php')

Powered by phpBB © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB Group

A new member who really enjoys the forum asked me about the error and I told him it was once or twice every few months. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING! To my forum's normal users that know the forum has been around for some time. But for the forum's new users I fear it's a turn off to trying to post. If the server is going to be played with please give the Admin.s a heads up so they can warn members in a mass email there will be an outage?
phpBB Support Forum / Rank Images Please
June 12, 2008, 09:35:52 AM
First, I'd like to say thank you for converting my forum to phpbb3 :-D . Second, I'd like it if the rank images could now be uploaded. I asked about the rank images once before so instead of playing with Photobucket again, I'll just show the link to the earlier post :-? .

By the way can forum styles be uploaded through here? I have a friend who wants to design one for the forum.
phpBB Support Forum / Forum Banner Gone!
March 26, 2008, 10:33:13 AM
The banner at the top of my forum has disappeared and in the Admin. panel there doesn't appear to be a way to get it back. Whats happened!? I thought maybe the forum had finally been upgraded to php 3 gold and this was a glitch but nothing shows that in the Admin. panel. The banner wasn't offensive.:confused:
phpBB Support Forum / User Group Help
February 06, 2008, 12:04:50 AM
I just made my forum's first user group and I think it's little issue is self explanatory ...
View topic - User Groups
It is visible to all members now but people still can't post in it:oops: :confused: .
First I'd like to say thank you to the Admin. who runs aokforums. I've been looking forward to an upgrade for some time as to how my forum works:-D . Sure this upgrade happened like what a month ago but still8) .

Last night I looked around the admin. panel for changes I didn't notice off the bat. The one I dug into was noticing there's now tons of new smiley packs to add. ... I think there should be a warning given before installing certain packs. I had to delete over ten really dirty smilies out of the forum since my forum is meant for all ages. Could the warning read "Warning the smilies pack your about to install has adult smilies in it. Do you want to continue?"

Thanks for all the new smilies:mrgreen:  and please give that warning notice some thought for those of us who run clean forums.

Thank you for your time.
General Discussion / A bad post?
May 02, 2007, 12:00:11 AM
I think one of my forum members might have broken a rule about content aloud in the forum. Please look at the links posted into this topic I've given the link to. I think when I got my forum I read some thing about there being a rule against posting illegal content. Tell me if this topic should be deleted.

Buck Rogers in the 26th Century :: View topic - DIGG WAR!!!!