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Topics - mischa

Hi all,

well i have made a clansite for a Counter Strike Source clan named: "Protection"
The clansite is for a dutch clan so that's why the clansite is in dutch!
This is a mid skilled clan that is training for the upcoming WCG tournament!
The isn't done yet, because there has to come a clanwar info module and block on it!
But besides that, the site is done.

check it yourself and comment!
Protection clansite
Show Off Your PHPNuke Portal / -ESF- Clansite
March 08, 2008, 05:32:17 AM
hi guys,

this is my second clansite i am making for a clan.
and i love to make it :-D
check the site and give your opinion on it.
send messages to me what i can improof on the site or some other things i can put on the site.

Elite Stealth Forces

Ps: the site isn't fully done yet (allmost) and the site is in allmost dutch because the site is for a dutch clan!
General Discussion / META tag settings
July 06, 2007, 06:57:59 AM
Hi support and admins.
I have looked the topic: How do you get more visitors?
and I see that I can set up META tags.
but when I tried this: Go to the admin panel > General Admin > Configuration > META Tag Settings.
I couldn't find the bar: META Tag Settings.
has this bar been removes or been placed to another place??
tell me please??
PhpNuke Support Forum / Site poll.
June 26, 2007, 03:18:21 PM
Hi I have a problem with my site poll on the home.
When people wanna vote they see at text.
the text says: Sorry, this Module isn't active!
see also the screenshot
what can I do to make sure that people can vote?