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Topics - RetroDan

Customer Feedback / Board Offline Due To Timeouts
June 25, 2008, 05:05:30 PM
I cannot get into my board due to timeouts errors:

And it is very difficult to reach this support board too. Perhaps an emergency email address should be used instead?

Something has happened within last few days that has slowed everything down to the point now that timeout errors are a constant problem.

I have also noticed that when my board has problems, usually this support board does also, so it makes it very difficult to report problems quickly.
Other than the speed/time-out problem, I am very happy with the service thus far.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Can you please solve this problem.

Thank you for your time & consideration.
My board is offline and I'm getting:


This forum is currently unavailable. We are upgrading this forum. Please visit later.

This is the exact same message I got while you so kindly upgraded me from phpBB to phpBB3.

My Forum is: Unavailable Forum - Free Forum Hosting

Is there something wrong with it? Thanks!
Customer Feedback / Phpbb3 Update
June 10, 2008, 10:56:31 PM
Thank you very much for starting the update process on my forum from phpBB to phpBB3, however the board has been offline for 24 hours so far, is this normal? Is the email that says it would take only 8 hours outdated?

Unavailable Forum - Free Forum Hosting

I can't wait to try out all the new features. Thanks!
phpBB Support Forum / What Is Gzip Option For?
June 04, 2008, 07:21:32 PM
Thank you for activating our shoutbox at: Free Cinema :: Index

Can you please tell me what the Enable/Disable GZip function is for?

Is that to GZip/Compress our backups?
Customer Feedback / Constant Time Outs
May 31, 2008, 12:25:46 AM
Can anything be done about the constant time-outs when accessing our sites - I'm losing users?

I have noticed that many hosts no longer allow the installation of phpNuke sites because it slows down their servers and causes far too many SQL queries.

I was wondering if that was the cause of the site being down yesterday.

My board is offline and I can't get in to fix it.

I was trying skins and now all I get is:

phpBB : Critical Error

Could not get theme data for themes_id [316]

The URL is

Can someone please fix it ASAP. Thanks.

The problem is that the skin I set to default is missing.

I wonder if you could help clear-up some confusion.
Are all the above hosted by or is something like the phpNukes hosted by a sister company. In other words do the rules of apply to phpNukes, or are they a separate entity with their own rules?
