Hi, hello, and tell me if it's a good idea

Started by MarkBon, April 15, 2011, 10:30:47 AM

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Hi and hello.
I'm thinking about creating a company, and a website or forum.
I want to make a company that will be helping people with importing heavy machinery and trucks from Europe. I am still thinking about it, it's not working yet. I will make a website or order one somehow.
Do you think that it would be a good idea, to make a forum instead of a normal website? I think that yes, becouse it will allow people to ask me things fast, and i'll be able to answer immediately.
I totally don't know how to start. It will be hard to promote such company i think. So far i am making a research and talking with people on forums if they are instrested for example in Tatra trucks for sale and i'm giving links.
So far not a lot of responses..:/
I have a few friends in United Kingdom and in Germany, who will help me start the business.
What do you think - forum will be a good website?
And is there a possibility to change the forum layout? Becouse i would like to make a layout connected with Europe, trucks, and tractors - somethink like that.


Hi Mark
I personally think creating a forum would be a good way to go about helping promote your busines venture.
Having a forum you will be able to create categories for each make model etc
you could also have a section for others wanting to sell their trucks , tractors and machinery as well  which would help promote your sales and forum as they would tell people where to look for the details of their sale : ie your forum, so others will be able to help promote your site.
Chat threads can be created so interested parties can ask about something they are interested in rather than just viewing  details.
you could also create a section where enthusiasts/ machinery fans can look at different types of machinery, i know of people who love this sort of thing (another way to promote your forum)

The forum layouts can be changed with different styles, images in the header and additional codes (bbcodes) such as maps, paypal and many more.

If you need any help setting your forum up or customizing to the way you want please feel free to send me a private message and i can help set it up for you or if you want just ask here and someone will answer your questions.

Get your free forum here
